The only wired-broadband internet solution in Round Valley, St. Johns, Alpine, and Nuturoso area is Frontier Communications (@frontiercorp on twitter & They recently added 6Mb DSL as an option for customers. I upgraded my connection, and have been playing with it for a day or two. I wish I could say that I was fully impressed and satisfied in the connection, but it has been less that consistent. I’m hoping it is “early-adopter” issues, and they will iron things out. Below are screenshots from Frontier’s office speed test as well as my modem provisioning. I’ll update when I’ve had it for a week or two and let you know. Also, I’m trying to get a hold of the new wireless ISP coming into the area called Wi-Power.
Update (11/09/10): My experience has been less than stable, some would say sub-par, with my “upgrade” of DSL. My modem shows that I am provisioned at the proper speed, and I can run a speed test to the Show Low office, but once I try and do something real online it fails epically. I have been keeping track of my speeds with my iPad with‘s iPhone App. Here is what I’m seeing realistically.
After multiple tickets with Frontier, and numerous calls with tech support I just visited the office in Show Low, Arizona. The technician/CSR gave me some pretty solid information, and another tech was at my house later that day. They found I am possibly too far away from the local office where the DSL equipment is located. I am 11,000+ feet, and they told me that is too far out. They have submitted a ticket with their Engineers, and we’ll see what comes of it.
Update (11/10/10): I got a call from Frontier. They have determined that the distance is a major factor and they are looking into an Adrenaline line to boost my signal at my location. They are moving me back to the 3Mb service until this gets worked out, and are crediting me a free month of DSL for all the issues. Sounds promising.