Rustyn’s Room | Live Rodeo Stream | Holiday Sealing

Friday my mom, Aunt and her kids, and Mylea came over for the day to help Amanda out with Rustyn’s room.  They did a wonderful job painting it and got things kind of figured out for the crib and everything else.  I was out the majority of the day as soon as I finished my test for the summer class that I’m taking right now in June.  When I got back in the early afternoon they had the wood up and it looked great I think.  The blanket that Shane made even matched all three of the colors in the room!  What kind of luck is that?

Later that day we had the RVRCE Jackpot (  We streamed the event live over the internet, and had a blast doing it.  Hopefully we are able to reach more people that want to watch the rodeos, but can’t.

Yesterday we ran over to Snowflake to the Temple where some friends were sealed.  It was great to be in the Temple, and we were kind of hoping that Rustyn may have wanted to grace us with his presence since we were already in that area, but no such luck.  We ran by Walmart and bought his crib and a few other things.  Ready or not here he comes.