OB Room Zero | Summit Health Care

Here’s tweets from my twitter stream to keep everyone up to date on what is going on. I’ll try and update this as we go to help everyone stay in the know, but i’m not making any promises.  Goto http://www.twitter.com/zeronome and follow us for the full feed if you think you missed something.

Please get on and leave a comment on this post so I can pass them onto Amanda!  She needs your words of encouragement.

# Rustyn Thomas McBride | http://www.wesmcb.com/?p=416 | First Photos

# Mom dad and gramma are ok too

# 7lbs 11 oz. Wahoo rustyn thomas mcbride. Born 8;23

# Hes here and a pee ‘n too welcome rustyn. Wahoo

# Rustyn we need you come home come home

# Ladies and gentlemen… Start your prayers. Rustyn Thomas is on the way.

# It is game time! Dr. Connoley, paging Dr. Connoley.. Its baby time!!

# Mom is complete and we are getting ready to push in 10 more minutes

# Amanda says the epidural makes feel like she’s in a rocking chair. She went crazy and disoriented when we fluffed her pillow a while ago

# Looks like Rustyn doesn’t mess around. He’s gonna be here shortly. Almost time to push.

# Passing the transition phase. Mom looks on schedule to deliver between 7 and 9 tonight.

# things have accelerated, but we have it controlled again. She is progressing very quickly.

# I’m getting some lunch while amanda sleeps. Pray for progress these next few hours

# Thanks for all the words of encouragement. Keep them coming!!

# Getting ready for the epidural.. She is doing so awesome with the hard contractions! Hopefully some sleep for her soon.

# Water = broke / its all part of the show. Onward and upward

# Just got back from a walk around the first floor. A little slow dancing now..

# Another great report from our Nurse!! We are off for a walk. She is progressing (4), but baby is still hi

# Please a comment on this post so I can pass it on to Amanda. She needs your love!! I love my wife.

# Hurry up and wait time. Never have I felt so useless. Hard to just sit and watch.

# Consent forms signed.. Ready for the doc to break some water.

# 12 hours in the hospital.. Still waiting for the Doctor to arrive. Its been a crazy day so far. Hopefully my law professor will understand.

# Sending out texts to everyone to check the blog. It will be the easiest way to keep most everyone updated. Pray for Amanda and Rustyn please

# The contractions are beginning to get worse as the gel softens everything up.

# In OB room zero. A second round of the gel was not mandatory but is helping things progress. Dr. Connoley is on his way soon..

# The gel is doing its thing and we are waiting for the Doctor to get back to break some water. I didn’t know water could break..

# Ate some breakfast, on to a shower, and then for a change of pace.. More walking until 930. Then we will have some update goodness

# Dr. Conneley came in and decided to get things going. Prostaglandens hopefully will help get the process started.

# Remind me not to play a softball game before checking into the Hotel most uncomfortable chairs ever.

# Month seems to be doing okay, but the contractions are still constant. She is doing so well and all I can do is complain about being sore.

# Did a lot of walking around last night. Waiting for the Doctor to come within the hour.

# Up walking again after a few hours of rest for Mom. Rustyn is doing better and mom wanted to move around. Pretty much hurtin’ from softball.

# Walking or “cruising” the hospital hallways try to get Rustyn to come on down. He’s the next contestant on let’s have a baby

# Walking arounf obstectrics trying to get Rustyn to show up.

# calling the doctor… we will see what he says

# we be building a crib.. all while amanda is counting contractions… not quite steady yet