Amanda has started to feel a little better from her surgery. She wanted to get out of the house for a little while so we decided to go to Freestone Park. While walking around we were able to relieve a little tension that had begun to arrise over the last few days. The lack of stability of anything in our lives right now has gotten us a little on edge. While the nessicities of life are taken care of, and our day to day is alright there is just so many things that are unsure. The future is what weighs most right now, and the need for some kind of rock, some stability is lacking. The Gospel of course is there, and we strive to remain true always to that, but we find ourselves on sandy ground when it comes to other aspects of life. With some closure beginning to creep forward within the next few weeks we will be able to make some important decisions, and regain that rock that we are looking for.