The Moving Extravaganza

What a weekend. That is all I can say!! Mom and Dad McBride came down to the valley to help us pack up and move up to Round Valley. That night Wes and Dickie went up to north Phoenix to pick up our new 18 foot trailer. They didn’t get back to the apartment until like 11:30 that night. We all crashed just to wake up the next morning and get crazy packing and loading the trailer. We were done by about 1:30ish, after which Wes and I went and helped Clancey move also. After all of the moving was done it was time to relax a bit. Clancey and Mylea went and watched a movie, while Wes and I took his parents to Ichiban for dinner. It is a hibachi grill and we thought they would enjoy the entertainment. We made it though that day, but all of the work was just beginning. We made the trip up to Round Valley, which wasn’t bad. We went to our new storage unit and unloaded all of the stuff we wouldn’t be needing for a while and took the rest to Aunt Gwen’s. This is when the real work began. We had to clean out the room we were going to stay in and the guest bedroom as well. With the whole family this didn’t take to much time but it was a lot of work thats for sure. Everyone went home for the evening to leave Wes and I to unpack and get organized. Now the adventure begins!!!