Semester = Over

Amanda called me a little while ago to let me know that she passed her second final well over what she needed to advance to the next semester of Nursing. Wow, it just sounded like her class was a reality TV show. She indeed was not voted off of the island, and is very happy to only have a Sociology test between her and her summer. I’m so proud of how well she has done with a baby in her tummy.
I just finished my last final on my lunch break so I’m ready for a month break before Summer classes start back up. I was defiantly looking forward to a summer of no homework, but when I did my Degree Audit and found I have six classes left I decided to take two over the summer and finish up this Fall.
We’ve both already registered for Summer and Fall semesters, and I finally feel like I have the ASU registration circus figured out just in time to finish up. Not that I’m going to complain about it at all! ASU offered me grants so the majority of my tuiton will be picked up by ASU, and the rest will be taken care of by TEP. Thank you Continual Learning Program. Even though NPC doesn’t have a Student Loan program, thus no Grant of Financial Aid program either, she has signed up to teach the Western Dance my parents were teaching so we can offset her Tuition as well. We know everyday we are being blessed, and are trying to always know what we are being prepared for. Pretty much, the Church is true!
I’m so excited to be done with homework, but a programmer I work with told me his wife said the same thing, and now she has homework everyday with her kids. I never thought of it like that so I guess I may never escape the clutches of homework.

Everyone always has their favorite subject from school, what’s yours?

Call me a Major Geek for thinking this video was awesome! I guess this is a shout out to Mr. Ditmore for not requiring us to memorize the periodical table, and making propane soap bubbles.

Oxygen from Christopher Hendryx on Vimeo.