Saturday Fun!!!

This morning I woke up with a killer headache and didn’t want to get out of bed. But eventually I did. Wes and I decided to get out of the house for a while and go on a picnic, we invited Mylea to come with us and she accepted. We had gotten her a cute jar thing for Christmas in 07′ and told her that we wanted to put sand and sea shells in it from our honeymoon at Imperial Beach. So she brought her glass jar and after the picnic we washed the sand and dryed it and made a fun jar full of sand and sea shells.

After we ate the picnic we went to a little pond at our AWESOME golf course, that is not running right now… Anyway he had a great time swimming after the stick that Mylea would throw in for him. He lost a few and Wes would have to go find another one for him. He really didn’t want to go when we decided it was time. When we got home we got to put together the sand and sea shell project with Mylea, she had been anticipating this day for a really long time. I felt really bad because I haven’t had time to just sit down and do this with her, and I finally just made time today, and I hope it made her happy. I think it turned out really nice and hope she will enjoy it for a long time.