Holiday goodness…

So this may end up being a reoccuring thing here. Thursday has come once again, and after getting two great breaks between Christmas and New Years I am less than enthusiastic with being back to work. It has been a great week though so who am I to complain about the great lives that The Other McBrides have. Christmas was great, and more than anything it was awesome to get to see family and friends. The weekend before Christmas we drove up to Colorado to see the Dare family. Sam & Jill flew in from Connecticut, Dean and Donna drove up from Arizona, and everyone met up at Chad & Mindy’s. It ended up beign a rather interesting flight for Sam and Jill (Sam & Jill getting Home). Jill blogged all about it so check that out as well. We just had a great time up there, nothing but great memories. I’m pretty sure that every one in the Dare Families are hooked on the Wii. We played Mario Kart for a few hours the night before we went home, and Sam ended up buying a Wii when he got back to Connecticut. The drive back was fun with the snow that Colorado was getting so we took it slow, and had an enjoyable (Amanda won’t believe I called any drive enjoyable) drive home.

After getting home we had Christmas Eve at my parents house, and with a lot of other friends and family we filled their house with about 20 people and had a blast. We stayed up and played Rummy for most of the night. My great Aunt Gwen loves to host Christmas dinner, and now that she is getting older she loves to take us all out to Hondah’s Christmas Dinner. We made the drive while it was snowing and freezing up and had a great meal as well as a great time.

New Years was spent with Ethan and Emily at our house. We played games and watched movies the whole night, and rang in the new year with some Martinellies. You know, that hardcore Cider stuff. Since then we have started to get back into the groove. School is starting again for Amanda next week, and my starts the following one. She is already studying a ton on the homework they got for the break. She is amazing and I don’t know how she juggles me, school, work, and being pregnant. That is going well by the way. Our last Doctor’s appointment went smooth and we were told everything looks to be on track and normal. She has actually lost one pound since we started this whole thing, but the Doctor told us that it is not a concern anymore, and it will start happening soon. Amanda told me earlier this week that she felt the baby move, and getting to hear the heartbeat again are both amazing experiences for both of us. Our next appointment will be the full ultrasound where we get to see our child for the first time. Hopefully sha (see John & Ceri’s blog) is not bashful and we will be able to see the gender.

Sorry about the lack of photos, but my new phone has the Camera disabled so we don’t take near as many pictures.