Da Twitterz n’ Stuff

Just got twitter for fun… We’ll see I guess. It reminds me a lot of facebook’s updates but hopefully better. Click on the link to the left to follow us and let the good times roll.


The weekend went by way too fast. My mom is still kinda sick but more just tired. She asked Amanda and me to take Mylea and a friend to the carnival, and i began to understand why parents aren’t thrilled about the carnival. One of the mom’s we were talking to made the comment she understands now why there were never allowed to go, “oh ya, i guess they didn’t want us to get hepititus…” Saturday Amanda crammed for school as it is wrapping up for the semester and I hammered out the video for the gymnastics production. It turned out well i believe. Here’s my little broseph doing his thing…

Newho during the day we went out and rode the horses again with Mylea and her friend. The wind was blowing like mad crazy, but Moo did so great! Later in the evening we went to a BBQ and met some new peeps in RV (couples about our age). This next weekedn we are going to a game night which should be a good time. Hopefully some pics coming… Jenn is coming this week and so that will be a good time to see her again.