EagarDaze Weekend 2011

Friday before all the craziness I DJed a dance in Saint Johns for the Dance Festival.  It was a really good time and the turn out was great.  What a fun way to end the summer for all the youth that are going back to school this week.

Amidst all the rain we caught a break and had our foot rodeo that the RV Rodeo Club Extravaganza puts on every year for EagarDaze.  Among many other events that are going on we have all sorts of racing, roping, and riding events for both cowboys and cowgirls and those just participating in the weekend’s festivities.  The unfortunate thing about running the event is that you don’t get very many pictures of what’s going on.  After the foot rodeo Mylea went over and jumped on the trampoling/rubberband dealio.

On Sunday after church we went over and saw Gwen.  We ate some dinner outside, and had a fun time just relaxing on the grass.  I don’t remember the last time I just laid on the ground and looked up at the clouds.  It was a great ending to a really fun weekend.