Books | Dragon Tattoo Trilogy

Book/s – The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played With Fire, The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet’s Nest

Author – Stieg Larsson

This trilogy was originally written in Sweden, and has been translated into English.  it is currently being made into movies both in Sweden and in the USA.  It surrounds the abuse of women in Sweden (which I didn’t know when I began the series).  I found the books to be an engaging listen, and only slow at a few points.  There are a few graphically described scenes that I wouldn’t recommend listening to say with your wife on a long trip.  Halfway through the second book the books changes back to more of an action/problem solving book, but I had already lost Amanda at that point.

The books follow two characters: Lisbeth, a computer hacker and Mikael, a Journalist.  Throughout the books they unravel a thick and twisted plot and intertwines into their own lives.  I would consider it a techno-thriller similar to the writing of Michael Chricton whom I also very much enjoyed reading throughout high school.  The books mesh together well, while the second and third book do a much better job at it.  It almost appears the first book was written, and when it turned out to be a success the next two books were written.  I understand the ending, but if left me wanting another book or another chapter to know where things would go from there.

All in all, they were a good series of books, and I would recommend with the disclaimer of the five or six graphic sexual encounters that do occur during the trilogy.  Again, after halfway through the second book it appears the author has either made his point or gotten over it, and moves on to advancing the plot.