OB Room Zero | Summit Health Care

Here’s tweets from my twitter stream to keep everyone up to date on what is going on. I’ll try and update this as we go to help everyone stay in the know, but i’m not making any promises.  Goto http://www.twitter.com/zeronome and follow us for the full feed if you think you missed something.

Please get on and leave a comment on this post so I can pass them onto Amanda!  She needs your words of encouragement.

# Rustyn Thomas McBride | http://www.wesmcb.com/?p=416 | First Photos

# Mom dad and gramma are ok too

# 7lbs 11 oz. Wahoo rustyn thomas mcbride. Born 8;23

# Hes here and a pee ‘n too welcome rustyn. Wahoo

# Rustyn we need you come home come home

# Ladies and gentlemen… Start your prayers. Rustyn Thomas is on the way.

# It is game time! Dr. Connoley, paging Dr. Connoley.. Its baby time!!

# Mom is complete and we are getting ready to push in 10 more minutes

# Amanda says the epidural makes feel like she’s in a rocking chair. She went crazy and disoriented when we fluffed her pillow a while ago

# Looks like Rustyn doesn’t mess around. He’s gonna be here shortly. Almost time to push.

# Passing the transition phase. Mom looks on schedule to deliver between 7 and 9 tonight.

# things have accelerated, but we have it controlled again. She is progressing very quickly.

# I’m getting some lunch while amanda sleeps. Pray for progress these next few hours

# Thanks for all the words of encouragement. Keep them coming!!

# Getting ready for the epidural.. She is doing so awesome with the hard contractions! Hopefully some sleep for her soon.

# Water = broke / its all part of the show. Onward and upward

# Just got back from a walk around the first floor. A little slow dancing now..

# Another great report from our Nurse!! We are off for a walk. She is progressing (4), but baby is still hi

# Please a comment on this post so I can pass it on to Amanda. She needs your love!! I love my wife.

# Hurry up and wait time. Never have I felt so useless. Hard to just sit and watch.

# Consent forms signed.. Ready for the doc to break some water.

# 12 hours in the hospital.. Still waiting for the Doctor to arrive. Its been a crazy day so far. Hopefully my law professor will understand.

# Sending out texts to everyone to check the blog. It will be the easiest way to keep most everyone updated. Pray for Amanda and Rustyn please

# The contractions are beginning to get worse as the gel softens everything up.

# In OB room zero. A second round of the gel was not mandatory but is helping things progress. Dr. Connoley is on his way soon..

# The gel is doing its thing and we are waiting for the Doctor to get back to break some water. I didn’t know water could break..

# Ate some breakfast, on to a shower, and then for a change of pace.. More walking until 930. Then we will have some update goodness

# Dr. Conneley came in and decided to get things going. Prostaglandens hopefully will help get the process started.

# Remind me not to play a softball game before checking into the Hotel most uncomfortable chairs ever.

# Month seems to be doing okay, but the contractions are still constant. She is doing so well and all I can do is complain about being sore.

# Did a lot of walking around last night. Waiting for the Doctor to come within the hour.

# Up walking again after a few hours of rest for Mom. Rustyn is doing better and mom wanted to move around. Pretty much hurtin’ from softball.

# Walking or “cruising” the hospital hallways try to get Rustyn to come on down. He’s the next contestant on let’s have a baby

# Walking arounf obstectrics trying to get Rustyn to show up.

# calling the doctor… we will see what he says

# we be building a crib.. all while amanda is counting contractions… not quite steady yet

UPDATED: We’re Here!!!

I promise i’ll post something more soon, but we be very busy today trying to finishing cleaning up things….

UPDATE: 3/4/2008 – A long weekend it was indeed. We started out on Friday with getting a few things done at the house. My Mom came over when she finished up work and she painted the rooms again, and then Moo and I headed for Gwen’s to pick up the remainder of our things and the trailer at the same time. There we got the truckload out of Gwen’s and made it back to our house (that’s still really weird to say) to find Mylea there as well. She had a note to come to our house, and she was soo excited to be riding a new bus to our home. With her we headed to lunch at Arby’s where we saw the Pifers and then the Shumways as well.

After filling ourselves (not the best move) we started in on the bed extravaganza. At Gwens with the trailer we got our bed out of the back room, and then cleaned like it was our job. We ended up cleaning the whole house before we were done. From there we ran back to our house to switch out the bed we had bought with the house and ours. After getting all of mom’s new furniture loaded and ready to go we strapped it all down and headed for Mom and Dad’s house. We got some help from the Shumways there and moved Mylea’s and Mom’s new beds in. After there we ran to storage and moved some more bedding action around and headed back to the house. *While at Mom’s house Amanda smashed her finger, and i jammed my head into the door frame of the Kia*

That night we didn’t do too much more, but i did hook up the majority of our TV stuff in the living room. Heading to bed we talked to Clancey and Kody that were heading up for the weekend to help us. At 12:30 when Clancey called to say that they wouldn’t leave until 4 or so I had a wonderful pounding headache from my run in with the Kia. When i would lay down my head would only hurt worse, and my ice packs were still at Gwens. So for the next 5 hours I worked in the living room, and also hooked up my computer in my office. At 5ish i went back in to take a shower and slept for about 2 more hours.

Clancey and Kody made it to our house about 8ish. They crashed out for a while, and we started with Breakfast. Amanda made biscuits and gravy for all the willing victims that would be helping us that day. With migraine in head, and everyone full from Breakfast we started in on the day.

Moving from storage took no time at all, and we had so many people that the entire act of moving didn’t seem bad at all. SOOOO THANKFUL for my family and the crazy generosity they showed me and my wife. We moved the Ping Pong table to the house, and that entertained the little kids while we networked the house, put things in the right room, and put pictures up.

At 345ish we went to Brando’s and had lunch/birthday action for Clancey and Kody. We went back to the house and hit it a little more. After terminating the network cabling, and hooking up the TVs we had cake and brownies while Clancey and Kody opened up their “practical” college kid gifts.

All in all it was an amazing experience, and i still have a hard time thinking that i own a home, but its growing on us. I never saw or thought about myself doing some of these things. I’m now getting up earlier for work to make a fire before i leave. Growing up whether i like it or not! Pretty much by the end of it we all felt about like this…

Moving to Renee Photo Album

Another album and stuff on the way… Here’s the pics for now.

Today is the first day of….

Do i really have to grow up? Today it feels like it. We signed more papers than i care to count yesterday and at 4:00 this afternoon we will be proud owners of what i call debt, and a friend of mine called an investment. i like how she thinks better, but it seems so huge! We’ve made so many crazy, life-changing experiences lately that i want to take a moment to breathe and slow down a little bit. i feel comfortable with school and work together, but i’m still struggling with the schedule. i’m not a morning person, and while i’m not late for work i definitely hit the snooze button more times than for my wife’s taste. hopefully after we move into this “investment” we’ll be able to slow down a little bit so i can juggle work, school, home, wife, and side-work more effectively. seems like to much at times, but i guess this is what things are going to be like from now on. how FUN is that?!?

so pretty much, we’re buying a home, it scares me, and i hope i make it out the other end with out too many migraines…

Euchre, Houses, & Homework

So much to talk about, and so little time between now and when we close on our house. Life has been a little weird lately, and I hope that he majority of it is stress-related to the whole “I’m going into a little bit of debt” time. Not that things are going to calm down as soon as we cross into the threshold of our new home, but hey at least we’ll be “Living the Dream.” So much fun had a Aunt Gwen’s house right now. Well we’re not her house 95% of the time, but when we are there boy do we feel crammed. We went from a one bedroom apartment into a bigger two bedroom apartment. Then we decided, “hey lets just move on into a single bedroom!” Pretty much been an extravaganza since. In all seriousness it has been a huge blessing to have moved up to Round Valley and start this job, but as in all other things it has not been the easiest thing in my life ever.

So pretty much my only out at work lately is a card game that i won’t get to play for a while until we are able to find a couple more people to play with us. Euchre is such a good release game for me. It makes the day go by much faster.

Anywho, i ran out of gas for this post, and i’ve got a lot to do so i’ll just quit…

Hurry up & Wait

So we are beginning the fun process where we ran around like crazy signing our life away to the have absolutely nothing to do for another 3 weeks. Right now we are waiting for the appraiser to finish up his dealio so the underwritters can approve everything. Who knew the whole house process was so involved.

In the middle of all this we have been getting dumped on with snow like every other day. Right now we are in the middle of the mud all over the place part of the week.

Today we are in the middle of the weekend, and preparing our talks that we are to give in Church tomorrow. We haven’t even been in the ward a week, and out records aren’t even in 3rd Ward. We heard that another member of the Bishopric was going to ask us to talk in a few weeks anyways so i guess a trip to Phoenix that we were going to take this weekend wouldn’t have kept us from the pulpit. Never a dull moment.

Meanwhile back at the ranch…

We “saddled up” saturday morning and headed back to RV on the way home. The trip was very smooth, and we got home muy fast. At home we enjoyed the evening with the family and even went out and saw my Grandma’s new house. The next morning before we headed home we went out and met Jigsaw, the families’ new colt. A 20,000 horse my dad said… It’ll end up costing them 20,000 before it’s all over.