We don’t pack our DSLR around near as much as we did before we both had iPhones. I really enjoy using Camera+ to color correct and filter the pictures we do take on our phones, and also use the Camera Connector to edit our DLSR photos from the iPad when we are travelling. Here are some of our favorite pictures that have been filtered with Camera+ (which is currently $.99 at the App Store, and just got iPad support to utilize the screen size of the tablet. They are separate apps, but worth paying twice!)
Bracelet Night – Apache County Fair 2012
Thunder Raceway with Papa Dean
MeeMaw Donna and Papa Dean have been camping up our way this summer, so Rustyn and Alex have been able to hang out with them more lately. Papa Dean decided to take the kids to the races in Show Low, and Rustyn loved it. Check out the video of our fun below.
RVHS 2002 | 10 Year Reunion
I hope everyone had a good time yesterday. When Kacy sends me the pictures from the High School I’ll add them here for download if anyone wants them.
The video is too long for YouTube’s 15 minute limit so I put it up on my blog. I kept the quality high so you could see faces better, but it makes the file rather large. Depending on your Internet connection, your mileage may vary in the fluidity of the experience. If you have issues watching it, please let me know and I’ll make a download available of the file.
All songs on the video were released in 2002, and Young was the song we walked out to at Graduation. Also, the quote at the end of the video is our class’ Motto.
Ragnar SoCal 2012
Amanda starts her adventure this morning for the Ragnar So Cal. Below is her Twitter stream so you can stay up to date on her progress. (Here’s her tweets she posted..)
21 Apr Amanda @moomcb
Getting ready to start second legs for van two for team Hot Tamales! #RagnarSoCal
20 Apr Amanda @moomcb
#Ragnarsocal 1st leg done!!! Hills are hard!!! Go team Hot Tamales!!!
20 Apr Amanda @moomcb
#Ragnarsocal waiting at exchange 7!! You can do it Jenn!!
20 Apr Amanda @moomcb
Up and going #huntingtonbeach for the #Ragnarsocal. Van 1 do work!! See you in Corona!!
18 Apr Wes @WesMcB
Got @moomcb’s playlist ready for the @ragnarrelay #ragnarsocal GO HOT TAMALES! | http://wesmcb.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/AmandaRagnarSoCal2012RunningPlaylist.pdf
Retweeted by Amanda
19 Apr Amanda @moomcb
The road to trip to #ragnarsocal begins!! 10 hour drive to make me more nervous.
18 Apr Amanda @moomcb
#ragnarsocal this is my first ever Ragnar! So nervous but so excited!! Training at 7000 feet should help me out!!
18 Apr Amanda @moomcb
Following @RagnarRelay for the #ragnarsocal. The Hot Tamales are coming from the Valley of the Sun!! Phoenix to L.A. baby!!
The Ragnar Relay for me was a huge accomplishment. I am NOT a runner and never in a million years would have thought I could have ran nearly 16 miles in 36 hours. But it is over and now a week and a half later and I am trying to find the next one I could do 🙂
The adventure started late last year when I was visiting with Darcy Whiting (Wes’ aunt) about running and how I needed to do something to get my body back into shape. She was great and encouraged me to start running, I laughed at her!!! After thinking about it for a while I decided she was right and I needed to start. I committed to run the Ragnar SoCal with her and the rest of the team.
When I started training I could not even run for 5 minutes straight!! Gradually, and with determination to complete this race, I increased my running time. My longest run while training was nearly 9 miles. I thought I was going to die and after I finished I had to have Wes come pick me up because I couldn’t walk the rest of the way to my house! My friend Emily Shupe joined me in this adventure and pushed me on the days I didn’t want to get out and go running in the 100 mile/hour wind we have up here in the White Mountains!
The six people in our van met in Queen Creek and we headed out to Huntington beach. We arrived at the hotel at 1 am and tried to get some sleep, ya right!! I was too nervous to get more than a couple of hours sleep that night. We got up and headed to our first major exchange with van #1 in Anaheim. Jenn took off and did amazing on that leg even though she was struggling with a nasty cold and could hardly breath from being so congested. Up next was ME!!! Runner #8! The van made its way inland to Carona where I began my first run. Mile wise it wasn’t too bad, 3.9, but as I studied the website before heading to Cali I knew I was to gain over 700ft in elevation in that short amount of distance.
Rustyn | Gymnastics Recital (Video)
Rustyn is able to pick the song out that he danced to on the radio. He associates it with Cars and “Nastics.” Thanks MeeMaw for another fun year of Gymnastics.
SkillsUSA AZ 2012
Spring brings the SkillsUSA Arizona Internetworking competition. Besides being a mouthful to say it is a competition that I competed in during high school, and contribute a lot of my professional career to VICA (now called SkillUSA) and the Cisco Networking Academy. I now chair the competition, and with help, try and provide some of the same opportunities to the students competing today. This year we had less competitors, but it was still an enjoyable time. I drove down on Monday, and then back home on Tuesday after the judging was over. Congratulations to Snowflake High School for having the winning student this year.
#30DaysofGOOD Challenge | November 2011
@GOOD on Twitter have monthly reoccurring #30DaysofGOOD where they focus on different things. Last month was health, and this month is photography. I thought it would be fun to keep up with it, and post the pictures I take onto our blog. Enjoy, and join in the fun. Follow me @wesmcb on Twitter to see my updates there.
Day 23 – Document a mentor | Camera – iPhone 4 | Photographer – Amanda | Here’s the newest life in our lives.
Day 22 – Document the thing you spend most of the day looking at | Camera – iPhone 4 | Photographer – Amanda | Here’s the newest life in our lives.
Day 21 – Document a neighbor | Camera – iPhone 4 | Photographer – Amanda | Here’s the newest life in our lives.
Day 20 – Document the inside of your fridge | Camera – iPhone 4 | Photographer – Amanda | Here’s the newest life in our lives.
Day 19 – Document a room in your house | Camera – iPhone 4 | Photographer – Amanda | Here’s the newest life in our lives.
Day 18 – Document boredom | Camera – iPhone 4 | Photographer – Amanda | Here’s the newest life in our lives.
Day 17 – Document something you made | Camera – iPhone 4 | Photographer – Amanda | Here’s the newest life in our lives.
Day 16 – Document a life | Camera – iPhone 4 | Photographer – Amanda | Here’s the newest life in our lives.
Day 15 – Document your commute | Camera – iPhone 4 | Photographer – Wes | During certain parts of the year it is completely black out, other parts of the year the sun is out already, but for a portion of the year this is what I drive to work looking at.
Day 14 – Document a friend | Camera – iPhone 4 | Photographer – Wes | Here are two friends at the park in Blanding, UT on the way home from seeing family.
Day 13 – Document hopfulness | Camera – iPhone 4 | Photographer – Wes | This is the scale at work where I weigh in. It is going to the left which instills hopefulness.
Day 12 – Document the highlight of your day | Camera – iPhone 4 | Photographer – Wes | This was the highlight of my weekend because a friends came up and we got to stay up way too late and play it together.
Day 11 – Document your favorite shoes | Camera – iPhone 4 | Photographer – | Hoping Amanda will fill the gap on this one..
Day 10 – Document your coffee break | Camera – iPhone 4 | Photographer – Wes | Hmmm, don’t drink coffee.. Here’s my morning shake and a little TRS.
Day 9 – Document inspiration | Camera – iPhone 4 | Photographer – Wes | While I do like this picture it is not the picture or event that is inspiration. The inspiration is the woman in it. It has been a pretty interesting year, and she has dealt with a lot. She is truly inspiring. So many other things should be on here, namely my wife and kids. They keep me going everyday, and there are many pictures of them underneath so here are a few other random things. A scale, it has been motivating as I am trying to lose weight. It sure is motivating to see that slide to the left. A sunset, there’s just something about them that is indescribable. Thirdly is a picture from the Wallow Fire where I was live streaming a press conference. It was such an intense expereience and few weeks, but I was inspried to keep information posted to http://wallow.us during those few weeks.

Day 8 – Document something funny | Camera – iPhone 4 | Photographer – Wes | Not much to say about this one. We were helping Mylea with her goat for 4-H, and had some time to kil before we hauled it back to the ranch. This is what Rustyn found. Today’s honorable mention is my Great Aunt Gwen. My uncle Jeff has given her a hard time that he was going to dye her hair purple for years. This is what the family brought her right before Halloween. The other is a picture of Jeremy Clarkson from Top Gear which is both a funny show, and it is also a funny screen grab.

Day 7 – Document autumn | Camera – iPhone 4 | Photographer – Wes | Yesterday found me home not feeling well, and getting Rustyn feeling better as well, but the weather did not disappoint. While I would have hoped for a drive into the mountains, not scarred by the Wallow Fire, for some leaf coloring changing goodness this is what we ended up getting. It snowed again, and this is what my Autumn is looking like.
Day 6 – Document art | Camera – iPhone 4 | Photographer – Wes | It seemed odd taking pictures of pictures, kind of like some Inception action going on. I ended up choosing the work done by a high school auto class with a plasma cutter. It was a Christmas present a few years ago. The honorable mention is another plasma cut cow head, and a pencil drawing done by Kim Trickey of my father and grandfather at his last roping before he died of cancer in Reserve, New Mexico.

Day 5 – Document something new | Camera – iPhone 4 | Photographer – Wes | I totally called that yesterday with my daughter in the dress! Last night the wind blew in the first snow of the season, which I was always told growing up that you didn’t eat the first snow of the season because it was cleaning everything out of the air or something like that. Looks like old man winter decided to join us. It is pretty chilly outside this morning with the wind blowing.
Day 4 – Document something old | Camera – iPhone 4 | Photographer – Amanda | Alex is obviously not old, but her blessing dress was the same one worn by her mom. Not that her mom is old, but to an infant that is a pretty old dress. Something old, and something new. Honorable mention goes to the Salt Lake Temple when we went up to see Chubbz get sealed. The other two are the carnival (which I’d rather no know how old the rides are, and the other is our football field. Again, it’s not the field that’s old, but the past time of Friday Night Football!

Day 3 – Document happiness | Camera – iPhone 4 | Photographer – Wes | I went through a few pictures recently taken and this hit me and what happiness really is. I have a few pictures of my kids with huge smiles on their faces, my mother riding on of her new colts, and my mom and Rustyn wrestling yet this is by far the winner. After all, it envelopes all the other pictures mentioned above.

Day 2 – Document a pet | Camera – iPhone 4 | Photographer – Wes | My wife informed me that she in fact had taken the picture below so I submit one of my own. This is a baby goat born on the ranch in 2011 that was named Tangled. It was the runt of the littler, or whatever you call goats born at the same time, and still to this day is smaller than the rest. Below it are two honorable mentions that I had to post up as well. The first is Rustyn holding Tangled as well, and then the other is Luna and Ko resting.

Day 2 – Document a pet | Camera – iPhone 4 | Photographer – Amanda | This is my son’s pet, Little Bit. She is a miniature horse that my parents won in a silent auction. If you can’t tell, they are friends.
Day 1 – Document Street Style | Camera – iPhone 4 | Photographer – Wes | Here is a photo I took on my way to DJ a Homecoming dance. It was very cold and gray when I left town, and the further I drove towards Sanders, the prettier the sunset got. Here is the road on my way.